Posted by: alliehay | April 14, 2011

Three Weeks Down…

Three weeks ago  we were still waiting for Tanner to come out of surgery and here we are today home, he is rolling around, walking with his walker,  playing his DSi, watching NCIS with his Dad and recovering well.  I won’t lie he has moments where he has pain but nothing a bit of medication will not relieve. He doesn’t like PT but who would after having your hip dislocated, reshaped, cut into and six screws put into it.  However, we do it twice daily.  His ROM, range of motion is very important. 

I just realized that I have not blogged since March 30.  So much has happend in the last 2 weeks….where to begin….

We spent almost four weeks at our home away from home, Hackerman-Patz House and what a great place it is.  We met some wonderful families and some awesome kids who inspired me daily.  Each going through their own struggles but no one judging the other.  My heart goes out to each of them daily and  I pray that God blesses them with what their heart desires the most. 

When we were not at HP we were out and about seeing what the beautiful state of Maryland had to offer.  One night we visited our good friends the Foote Family.  While there we enjoyed a Taco dinner and a night of BINGO!!  Tanner can’t wait to play Bingo with them again.  He is thinking next time he plays more than three cards, hmmmmm, guess he will be setting with Sandi. 

Of course while Dad was still with us we took in a couple of movies after Tanner’s surgery, HOP and Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  Great movies if you get a chance to go see them.  I know they personally put a smile on Tj’s face along with the popcorn.

David left after two and half weeks, so Tj and I were on our own.  We  ventured to Annapolis.  We went to the PA Farmers Market…yes in Maryland… and then we went to the Annapolis Naval Academy, seen the Capitol, which Tanner filled me in on all the history of the area, we even seen St. John College a beautiful place.  Annapolis is filled with so much history.  Maybe one day when Tanner is able to we will walk the streets and venture into the little shops. 

I even had the pleasure, yes the pleasure of installing a wheelchair carrier on the back of my Equinox.  I did have help from three men, Ed, Keith, and Dwight in making sure it was properly installed and all the nuts and bolts were nice and tight.   I do know that Tanner’s wheelchair made it home in one piece on the back of my crossover.  Yay!

Tanner even had the privlige of meeting several Perthes kids.  The ones in the photo are boys, but there were a couple of girls too :o)  .  Each at a different stage of Perthes and Tanner being at the longest 6 years and just a year older than the oldest.  The earliest one had just been diagnosed 3 months ago.  It amazes me how far treatment for Perthes has come in the last 6 years.  Just awesome.

Tanner’s two week appointment went well.  Dr. Standard told us his bone was healing great and his ROM was looking good.   Tanner was given the okay to test the water with his toes on his left foot.  He is still 100% non-weightbearing.  We are to continue to do GENTLE PT twice a day and  we were told we could go home, which excited us.  Our trip home was interesing…rain, moutains, lots of fog and more rain.  We visited with Aunt Sharon and Julie in Ohio and spent the night to break up our 12 hour drive.  When we pulled into the drive there were tears by both Tanner and myself.  I never knew I could miss my family so much and my home.    We return in four weeks to see Dr. Standard and his staff We can’t wait for more good news!

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